Are you concerned that you can only drive for a short distance before your car begins to smoke? An overheating vehicle is a fire hazard, and you are putting your life at risk each time it is driven. It is important for you to promptly get to the root of the problem so a mechanic can make repairs. Take a look at this article for deeper insight about some of the things that commonly leads to a vehicle overheating.
Friction from Engine Parts
There are several parts inside of an engine that helps it function. Some of the parts move when your car is being driven around. It is possible that the parts have been rubbing against each other, which creates a large amount of friction. The friction from metal rubbing against each other causes the engine to heat up, which might be why your car keeps smoking.
Damage to the Radiator
The radiator plays an important role in whether or not a car overheats or not. Basically, the radiator is used as a way to keep the engine cool. When coolant passes through the radiator, it is able to cool down before flowing back through into the engine. The cycle basically repeats itself until the coolant runs out. If the radiator is damaged from being old, it is possible that your car has been overheating because a replacement is needed. In some cases, a radiator can be repaired rather than being replaced.
Not Enough Fluids
It takes a few different fluids to prevent a vehicle from overheating. For example, water is one of the main fluids that your vehicle needs to function as it should. You might simply need to place more water in your car to stop it from overheating. Oil is one of the other important fluids that your car must have. If there isn't enough oil available, it can lead to the engine overheating. Eventually, you might even need to replace the engine due to the extent of damaged caused from a lack of oil.
A Broken Water Pump
There is a water pump in your vehicle that is used for distributing water into the engine. If there are any cracks in the pump, it is likely that water has been leaking out. Your engine might not be receiving any water at all if the cracks are large. Ask a mechanic to inspect the pump to find out if you need a new one.
For more information or assistance, contact companies like P & T Automotive Repair.